This election year, you have the opportunity to shape the highest court in Michigan, but this requires going beyond straight-ticket voting by going further down your ballot to the nonpartisan section and voting for two candidates who you want to sit on the Michigan Supreme Court.

When filling out your ballot, don’t stop at the top!

Journey all the way down to the Supreme Court elections on the non-partisan section of your ballot!

It’s like finding the hidden treasure at the bottom, where your vote helps choose the guardians of justice who shape our state’s future.

Find the Judicial Section on this Page!

Straight Ticket Selection
Does Not Apply to MI Supreme Court!

Don’t just check the straight-ticket box and call it a day.

Take a moment to dive a little deeper, because there is more work to be done at the bottom of the ballot in the nonpartisan section.

That’s where you’ll find the Supreme Court elections, where your extra effort helps choose those justices who will shape our future!

How the Michigan Supreme Court Candidates are Nominated

Supreme Court Justices in Michigan must be nominated by a political party, but on your ballot their party affiliation is not included.

While Michigan Supreme Court candidates are nominated by political parties, they appear on the non-partisan section of your ballot!

Two Seats on Michigan Supreme Court are
Open for 2024

This year, Michiganders get to choose who fills two spots on the state Supreme Court.

It’s a big deal because these judges will have the last word on the laws that impact all of us.


Why the Supreme Court is Important

The people we elect to the state Supreme Court will be making important decisions for all Michiganders on issues about reproductive rights, abortion laws, gun safety, and fair elections.

So, whoever wins this election is going to have a big say in what the future of Michigan looks like.



This is what your ballot will look like: